Advisory Council, staff and Membership
Who We AreThe Yavapai Justice and Mental Health Coalition works as a coordinated partnership of community members, leaders, and advocates. View our charter here.
Meet the Advisory Council

David Rhodes
Sheriff, Yavapai County

Audrey Dorfman
Community Member

Kathy Ryder
Project Manager - Court Liaison, Yavapai County Superior Court

Tamara Player
Chief Executive Officer, Polara Health

Leslie Horton
Director, Yavapai Community Health Services

Shawn Hatch
Vice President, Spectrum Healthcare Group

Kennedy Klagge
Public Defender, Yavapai County Public Defender’s Office

James E. Ledbetter, Esq.
The Ledbetter Law Firm, PlC

Tyran Payne
Chief, Yavapai College Police Department

Amy Bonney
Chief of Police, Prescott Police Department

Randy Taylor D.M.
Chief of Police Clarkdale Police Department

Dawn Rutigliano
Program Director, Child & Family Support Services

Jeanne Wellins
Community Member

Tara Newman
Director of Juvenile Court Services

Dan Haley
Chief Executive Officer, Hope Inc.

Beya Thayer, MSW
Executive Director
Beya Thayer is a systems advocate supporting enhanced collaborations among multi-disciplinary teams and enjoys the opportunity to work as the Executive Director of the Yavapai Justice and Mental Health Coalition. Beya works to develop and implement strategies that lead to the long-term and sustainable involvement of community institutions, organizations, and individuals within the intersections of justice and behavioral health – with the goal of addressing partnership and systems change. Beya’s career has given her the opportunity to create partnerships and collaborations with diverse communities, professions, and agencies throughout Arizona to effect policy and change on both the micro and macro levels. Beya has a Master’s in Social Work from Arizona State University and has worked extensively in the social services arena for over 25 years.

Heidi Howard
Public Affairs Officer
Having grown up mostly in the Prescott area and spending about a decade heavily involved in many facets of local Real Estate, as well as a Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office Public Affairs Officer for the past 2 years, Heidi’s interpersonal skills enhance Yavapai Justice & Mental Health Coalition effort to deliver up-to-date, relevant information to the community with energy, passion, and efficiency.
Mental illness is not a crime. This Coalition understands the value to public safety, to outcomes and to treatment for people when behavioral health and criminal justice work together.
I am honored to serve on the Justice and Mental Health Coalition Advisory Council. This team represents a truly collaborative effort to serve justice-involved individuals when and how they need it the most. We have the opportunity and the responsibility to look at ways we can help all those with mental health challenges in our community and truly make a positive impact for them and in their lives.
The Yavapai Justice and Mental Health Coalition is very important to Yavapai College and my Agency. The Coalition brings structure and guidance to the responsibility we have as Educators and Police within Higher Education. As a Community College we have a responsibility to the students, staff and faculty to provide the best assistance we can to those who find themselves in crisis.
As a board member of the Yavapai Justice & Mental Health Coalition, I serve as the community volunteer assisting families of people with mental health and/or substance abuse disorders who have been involved in our justice system. By providing alternative solutions and support while assisting them as they navigate their way through unfamiliar territory, families have a better chance to stay together and enjoy healthier lives while contributing to our community. When we invest in each other, we are all enriched, and our community is a safer, healthier place.
I am honored to serve on the Justice & Mental Health Coalition Advisory Council. I am excited to help implement evidence-based practices, data-based evaluations, and provide access to care for justice-involved individuals. Mental illness is not a crime. This Coalition understands the value of treatment diverted outcomes for justice-involved individuals. Yavapai County’s mentally ill, a population in desperate need of more services and options, will benefit from the work of this Coalition.
The Justice and Mental Health Coalition is important to Community Health Services because people’s capacity for overall positive health is often interrelated with their mental or behavioral health. Those suffering from mental or behavioral health issues and frequenting our justice system see poorer health outcomes than those who do not. We understand the importance of looking at the whole person when it comes to health improvement, and by addressing underlying mental health issues and providing resources that help keep people out of our justice system, Yavapai County residents will experience better health and better quality of life!
This Coalition provides the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of individuals, families, and the community. A bad day or decision does not have to be the trigger for a lifetime of pain and hardship, but instead, the life-changing event that set that person on a course for recovery. Compassion and connection leads to that recovery and a partnership between law enforcement and the behavioral health community sets the stage.
Yavapai Justice and Mental Health Coalition is the quintessence of collaboration. The revolutionary accomplishments being attained through the multiple disciplines altruistically working together is something I have not witnessed in my 40 plus years of law enforcement. Being a part of something that benefits society to this extent is very rewarding.
I believe that everyone deserves to feel well. Through the work of the coalition, we can help ensure that the most vulnerable members of our community receive the support and services they need; elevating the community for all.
Serving on the Board of the Justice and Mental Health Coalition is an opportunity to create solutions for challenging issues surrounding the decriminalization and treatment of mental illness. This collaboration of community agencies is creating new paths toward better health for those with mental illness who are caught up in the justice system or for those who are unable to seek treatment for themselves.
I strongly believe that a key to a community’s success is its ability to deliver care to those most in need. Mental health needs have touched so many families through Yavapai County. People in need of mental health support have been overlooked or neglected for too long, and the leaders, who are serving with the Coalition, have the desire and power to bring positive, lasting change.
I have worked in the behavioral health/mental health field for over 20 years, and have always been inspired by the journeys that some experience. My passion has been in assisting in preventive services to assist the children in our communities before they get a place of needing intervention and creating individualized wraparound plans for the children and families with acute situations to remain in their homes and community.
As a board member of the Yavapai Justice and Mental Health Coalition, I believe it is my role to assist with raising awareness in the community and the justice system around the struggles and challenges faced by those with mental health issues and their families. The justice system should be the last option for those with mental health issues. Our community, stakeholders, and justice partners working together are capable of significant positive changes to provide the appropriate opportunities for these individuals and families to avoid justice involvement.
I am honored to serve on the Yavapai Justice and Mental Health Coalition. I have worked in the juvenile justice field for over 20 years and have seen the impact mental health needs have had on our youth and families. As the Director of Juvenile Court Services, I have a responsibility to help ensure youth are provided with appropriate services and that their needs are being fully addressed. I strongly believe the coalition’s ongoing collaboration will assist our community in obtaining the suitable resources needed to build and strengthen healthy families.
I am driven by the conviction that every individual deserves to lead a healthy, vibrant life and have made it my mission to mobilize efforts for systemic change; change that embraces lived experience, values inclusion, fairness, and diversity, and strives to build stronger, safer communities.
Coalition Members
Alex Hope, YC Adult Probation
Alexa Finkelstein, AZ Complete Health
Alexandra Gilbert, Hope Lives
Alexandrea Ruth, AHCCCS
Allison Lenocker, CCJ
Alicia Botkin, AZ DES
Amy Bonney, PPD
Amy Devins, AZ Complete Health
Andrew Schreffler, Yavapai County Adult Probation
Angela Ramos, Public Defender
Angimar Rodriguez, AZ Blue
Ann Norton, Care 1st
Anthony Cruz, Catholic Charities
April Rhodes, Spectrum
Ashley James, YCCHS
Audrey Dorfman, VIP
Aurora Zepeda, Mayer Community Member
Becca King, Hope Arizona, Inc
Becky Banks, Sparklight
Becky Payne, Wexford
Ben Burke, Manzanita Outreach
Ben Scott, PPD
Bethany Arnold, Ledbetter Law AZ
Beya Thayer, YCSO
Bill Mitchell, AZ Complete Health
Chief Bob Ticer, PVPD
Bonnie Goosic, Southwest Behavioral Health
Bonnie Stewart, Yavapai Prescott Indian Tribe
Commander Brent Kimbriel, YCSO
Brianne Barrios, BCBS Health Choice
Bryan Campbell, US Vets
Bryan Gest, Terros
Bryan Prieto, YC Adult Probation
Cameron Doty, YC Adult Probation
Camie Rasband, Catholic Charities
Carol Lewis, YCCHS
Carol Quasula, VV Homeless Coalition
Carole Benedict, US Vets
Cassie Villegas, Solari, Inc.
Chris Chavez, Hope Arizona, Inc
Christopher Dowell, Cottonwood PD
Christopher Liberatore-Lopez, VA
Chuck Wynn, Chino Valley PD
Cori Herwick, Sonoran Prevention Works
Cynthia Carroll
Cynthia Gentle, Board of Supervisors
Cynthia Ross, BCBS Health Choice
Damien Browning, Steps to Recovery
Dan Haley, Hope Arizona Inc.
Dan Hays, PVPD
Dana Owens, YC Attorney’s Office
Danielle Treiber, Sonoran Prevention Works
Daryl Butricks, Hope Arizona Inc
David Dohm, Polara Health
David Rhodes, YCSO
Dawn Rutigliano, Child & Family Support Services
Deanna Eder, Polara Health
Debra Jorgensen, Care1st
Debra Stutz-Middleton, VA
Denise Cox, BCBS Health Choice
Dennis McGrane, YC Attorney’s Office
Destiny Pyle, Terros
Diana Orem, Embry Riddle
Diane Ivan, Sage Counseling
Don Bischoff, MCSO
Don Kirchner, Community Member
Donna Michaels, Board of Supervisors
Emmy Hays, Polara Health
Erin Kantor, Polara Health
Ethan Stover, YCSO
Felicia Slaton, Superior Court
Fred, Inside Out Network
Gina Vega-Mendez, Spectrum
Greg Billi, NAZ Care
Gareth Braxton-Johnson, Cottonwood PD
Gema Lopez, YCCHS
Dr. Gwendolyn Swan, Return to Honor Coalition
Heather Cappelli, YC Adult Probation
Heidi Howard, YCSO
Helene Tonnemacher, AFFCF
Ian Ohler-Romines, Sonoran Prevention Works
Jacque Barnes, YC Adult Probation
James Edelstein, PVPD
James Ledbetter, Ledbetter Law AZ
James Tobin, YCCHS
Jane Terhune, PV resident
Jason Small, PPD
Jeanne Wellins, Community Member
Jeff Newnum, YCSO
Jeff Young, Summit Behavioral/Granite Mtn Recovery
Jennifer Julian, Clarkdale PD
Jennifer Martinez, Spectrum
Jennifer Nelson, YCCHS
Jerald Monahan, Yavapai College
Jessica Wren Waynick, Return to Honor Coalition
Jodi Rooney, Community Member
Jody Marion, Spectrum
Joe Donaldson, YC Education Service Agency
John Napper, Superior Court
John Schuderer, Suicide Prevention Coalition of YC
John Woodman, Embry Riddle
Johnnie Gasper, Arizona Complete Health
Jon Grossman, Grossman&Grossman
Jon Perez, NARBHA
Joseph Acevedo, VA
Joseph Stewart, YCSO
Josh Brock, Care1st
Joshua Napolean, Health Choice
Joy Goff, The Launch Pad
Justin Chase, Solari, Inc
Karen Carter, Terros
Karl Waak, Sedona PD
Karla Reimer, Yavapai Apache Nation
Kate Taylor, Charlie Health
Kathryn Blair, Public Fiduciary- Prescott
Kathy Bashor, NAMI Yavapai
Kathy Ryder, Superior Court
Kelly Brown, CFSS
Kelly Crockett, Embry Riddle
Kelly Fraher, YCSO
Kelly Lee, Suicide Prevention Coalition of YC
Kelly Legler, Spectrum
Kellyanne Smith, Solari, Inc
Kerry Hyatt, Community Member
Kevin Hudspeth, Sedona City Manager
Kimberly Brown, Catholic Charities
Kris Skorick, YCCHS
Krista Carman, Superior Court
Kristin Brandy, Solari, Inc
Kristine Greene, YCSO
Kristy Matheson-Parks, YC Attorney’s Office
Kyle Schwartz, Community Medical Services
Laura Wauters, Northland Cares
Lauren Lauder, Spectrum
Laurie Verdier, NAPFC
Leslie D. Jenkins, Alzheimer’s Assoc
Leslie Horton, YCCHS
Linda Poller, Care1st
Linda Rodkey, Summit Behavioral/Granite Mtn Recovery
Linn Montjoy, YCSO
Lisa Lahaie, VA
Lisa Blyth, First Things First
Lorena Padilla, YCCHS
Loretta Holdsworth, Southwest Behavioral
Malia Martinez, Spectrum
Mario Lippy, Spectrum
Mario Morales, Care1st
Mark Shen, Care1st
Marlo Rivera, Solari, Inc
Martin Brennan, Board of Supervisors
Marvey McNeese, Juvenile School YC
Mary Lou Brncik, Davids Hope
Mary Robbins, CFSS
Megan Woods, AHCCCS
Melissa Del-Colle, AHCCCS DHM
Merilee Fowler, MATFORCE
Mia Corona, Care1st
Michael Lawhon, Terros
Michelle Snider, Spectrum
Mike Newcomb, Manzanita Outreach
Mikki McCartney, MATFORCE
Miranda Campos, Inside Out Network
Mo Michael, Compass Recovery
Monica Kuhlt, Cottonwood PD
Monica Lincoln, Spectrum
Nancy Devine, VA
Nancy Roberts, PVPD
Nathan Dorfman, Sedona AZ
Nicole Reesman, StoneRidge Centers
Oscar Arambula, VA
Paige LeForte, Spectrum
Patrick Kuykendall, Adult Protective Svcs
Patty Delp, YC YAP #590
Randy Taylor, Clarkdale PD
Rebecca Serratos, Manzanita Outreach
Rhonda Bishop, VV Homeless Coalition
Richard Martin, YCSO
Richard Sandoval, Hope Arizona, Inc
Ricky Camplain, NAU
Rob Barth, YRMC
Sabath Oliver, YCCHS
Sarah Rendon, Catholic Charities
Shannon Williams, Care1st
Shari Sterling, YC Education
Sharie Brock, BCBS Health Choice
Shawn Hatch, Spectrum
Stacey Gagnon, Trauma Lens Care
Stephanie Foley, Sedona Police Dept
Steve King, Cottonwood Oak Creek School Dist
Steven Haynes, Terros
Tamara Player, Polara
Tania Long, AZ Complete Health
Tara Newman, YC Juvenile Justice Center
Teri Konnect, Steps To Recovery
Terry Young, Catholic Charities
Theresa Scott, Yavapai College
Tiffany Cole, Terros
Tim Carter, School Superintendent
Tim Wiederaenders, DC Courier
Timothy Johnson, Prescott
Tracey Cole, Terros
Tricia Winters, Cottonwood Oak Creek School Dist
Troy Grover, Hope Lives
Tyran Payne, Yavapai College Police
Veronica Stepanek, YC Board of Supervisors
Virginia Cons, Care1st
Wayne Sisson, Community Member
Wendy Dittbrenner, Care1st
Willa Miller, YCCHS
William Lundy, VV Justice Court
Get In Touch
Location: 255 E. Gurley Street, Prescott, AZ 86301
Telephone: (928)554-8820
Email: [email protected]