The Road to Recovery
Recovering from mental illness or substance abuse is about getting and feeling better and achieving a full, satisfying life. It is the process of change through which one improves their health and wellness, lives a self-directed life, and strives to reach one’s full potential. The road to recovery is a process; it is not straightforward and does not happen overnight. Recovery is a journey...

Raising Awareness of the Stigma Around Mental Illness and Suicide
In this day and age, we are connected in more ways than ever before. We have been making strides to raise awareness of anxiety, depression, and suicide both in our communities and on social media—so why does it seem like mental illness is still so difficult to talk about, and more people are not getting the help they need? Read on to learn about the social stigmas currently surrounding mental...

The Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences
Our childhood experiences shape who we become as adults. And a “normal” childhood isn’t always the case for many of us. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can play a significant role in our health, access to basic needs, and even justice system involvement. Learn more about ACEs and their effect below. What Are Adverse Childhood Experiences? Childhood has its ups and downs, but...

The Over-Representation of Mental Illness and Substance Use Disorders in the Criminal Justice System
Inmates with mental illnesses and/or substance use disorders are significantly over-represented in the criminal justice system. Read on to learn more about why this is occurring, and how the County of Yavapai Justice and Mental Health Coalition aims to help. A Complex Combination of Social Issues The Bureau of Justice Statistics[1] estimates that between 25%–40% of inmates within the...